NIght & Fog Screening
Night and Fog - Free Screening Event on Wednesday 12th February at 5.30pm - Famous Film from 1955 using footage from Nazi camps: Screening plus introductory talk re sensitivities of evidence and followed by Q& A
Speaker: Dr Toby Haggith, Imperial War Museum Senior Curator
Hosts: Event Speaker and Screening will be introduced by Prof Helen Weinstein and the Q&A following will be Chaired by Dr Sean Lang, History Department, Anglia Ruskin University
When & Where: 5.30pm/7.00pm on Wednesday 12th February 2020 at LAB003, ARU, Lord Ashcroft Building, Broad Street (off East Road) Cambridge CB1 1PT. Cycle parking outside building. Closest car park at Grafton Centre. 12 mins walk from Cambridge Train Station and 8 mins walk from Drummer Street Bus Stops.
Free: Unticketed, free of charge. All are welcome!
Further Information about the Filming and the Screening Format for Talk by Dr Toby Haggith of the IWM
Night and Fog Film Screening by Dr Toby Haggith, Senior Curator, Department of Second World War and Mid-20th Century Conflict, Imperial War Museums, introducing the issue of eye-witness footage and testimony in Holocaust Films and Documentaries, contrasting filmed interviews with concentration camp survivors and perpetrators, compared with compelling footage and treatment of the Holocaust in the film Night and Fog produced in 1955, Alain Renais' extraordinary documentary on the Holocaust, commissioned by the French Committee for the History of the Second World War.
Note on Sensitivities of Content of this Screening & talk regarding Holocaust Survivors and Holocaust Victims
Please be aware that there will be some graphic scenes shown, including piles of dead bodies, more close-up than in the still below, so please be prepared for this, and know we are having an introductory talk so that the motives of the film crews who filmed in Belsen and other Extermination and Concentration camps can be understood,
HMD Civic Commemoration on Sunday 26th January 3pm to 4.30pm at Cambridge Corn Exchange
Programme for Holocaust Memorial Day devised by Professor Helen Weinstein on behalf of Cambridge City Council to mark HMD 2020. If you wish to attend the HMD civic commemoration in the Corn Exchange on Sunday 26th January. Please arrive for 2.45pm to be seated for 3pm start. All Welcome!