Cycle of Songs: News
Cycle of Songs is an Arts Council England funded project commissioned by Cambridge City Council, devised by the award winning Pilot Theatre and Historyworks to mark the Tour de France visit to Cambridge on 7 July 2014.
This project will showcase and celebrate the talent and diversity of Cambridge and will include many local people of all ages sharing their voice and celebrating the city in song. All are welcome!
Nine pieces are commissioned from a wide range of composers & poets, inspired by historical research & based on words from original sources of fascinating & quirky stories at iconic locations along the Tour's route in Cambridge.
The songs will all be performed by local choirs, musicians and poets to make a free app for Cambridge to leave a lasting digital legacy. To find out more, please do explore all the resources at the dedicated website, produced by Historyworks, at
The Cycle of Songs Video
Do watch the Cycle of Songs short film - Directed and Produced by Historyworks - it is a fun tour around Cambridge - providing an overview of the nine commisioned songs, the choirs and artists that recorded them, and the route the Tour de France took through the locations in central Cambridge - telling unique stories, written by top composers and poets, performed by people in Cambridge. Enjoy!
Storify: Le Tour de France / Cambridge / #cycleofsongs
A Storify by Pilot Theatre
Cambridge Network: Big Weekend warm-up as Dowsing prepares to ace the Apex
Cambridge's Dowsing Sound Collective wowed the crowds at the Big Weekend this Saturday, with a special set to warm up the 100-strong choir for its next gig, taking place in the stunning Apex Concert Hall in Bury St Edmunds this coming Sunday (13th July). Included in the set was one of the original pieces composed as part of the city's Cycle of Songs, a project conceived to celebrate the visit of the Tour de France to Cambridge...
Blog: Parker’s Piece and Sing & Swim, Saturday 5th July 2014
One of the busiest days for the Cycle of Songs Choir took place on Saturday 5thJuly 2014. The Cycle of Songs Choir were scheduled to perform at Big Weekend, an event that is held annually on the well-loved area of common ground known as Parker’s Piece...
Blog: Marcus Romer on Cambridge 105fm, Saturday 5th July 2014
On Saturday 5th July 2014 Marcus Romer, Artistic Director of Pilot Theatre and the Cycle of Songs project, returned to the Cambridge 105fm studios to promote the day’s events and the project as a whole.
Storify: The Grand Depart - for the Tour de France #cycleofsongs @letourcambridge
A Storify by Pilot Theatre from 4th July 2014.
Yorkshire Post: Pump up the volume
Marcus Romer is not what you’d call a cycling obsessive. He has a bike which he pedals to and from the offices of Pilot Theatre in York, but he’s not one for long distance rides and has never, ever worn Lycra. However, he knows the route the Grand Départ will take through Cambridge more intimately than most. He’s walked it, he’s cycled it and along with HistoryWorks, which designs installations for museums and galleries, he’s also used it to inspire a brand new art project...
Blog: 21st June Flash-mob
Saturday 21st June was promoted as the Cycle of Songs formal “Pop-up Choir” event, but in fact what all the singers had been working towards, was not only singing in public, but performing as a flash-mob to surprise those in Cambridge market space between 12:30 and 1pm outside the Guildhall. It was great fun and included sticker action!...
Radio: Inja on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
On 19th June 2014 the Cycle of Songs project returned to the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire studios, led this time by Inja, one of the lynchpin composers and performers. Inja, writer and performer of the piece entitled 'Freedom', met with Sue Dougan to discuss his involvement with Cycle of Songs, the next stages of the project, and some of the remarkable experiences he has had throughout the process...
Blog: Cycle of Songs Choir rehearsal at Cambridge Junction
On Wednesday 11th June 2014 the Cambridge Junction hosted the second Cycle of Songs Choir rehearsal. It proved to be another evening of wonderful performances with equally good weather, allowing us to make the most of the sunshine and sing outside...
Press Release: Cycle of Songs
This year’s visit of the Tour de France to Cambridge in July will be marked by an innovative and inspiring major new piece of work entitled The Cycle of Songs. Devised by the acclaimed Yorkshire theatre company Pilot Theatre with the Cambridge based Historyworks the project will feature new compositions performed by Cambridge’s choirs by leading musicians, writers, poets and composers including Michael Berkeley, Karen Wimhurst, Michael Rosen, Kirtsty Martin and Andrea Cockerton...
Blog: Cycle of Songs Rehearsal at Kettle's Yard
Wednesday 4th June 2014 marked the first rehearsal for the Cycle of Songs Community Choir. The Cycle of Songs Choir is a free and open-to-all choir that has been set up to give people of all ages and abilities the opportunity to sing together and celebrate the arrival of the Tour de France in Cambridge, and to offer an opportunity often missing in Cambridge, to be able to sing together as a family too...
Storify: What we are up to @pilot_theatre at the moment...
A Storify by Pilot Theatre
Press: Cambridge News
Visit of Tour de France to Cambridge marked with Cycle of Songs as pop choir starts spontaneous singing session at the Guildhall A unique vocal treat by Cambridge’s leading choirs hit the city centre on Saturday to celebrate the impending arrival of the Tour de France...
Cambridge has a wonderful project to celebrate the unique history and tradition of song in the city, and welcome the Tour de France Stage 3 taking place on 7 July.
Blog: Recording Dowsing Sound Collective
The Cycle of Songs project has had a fantastic experience kicking off the rehearsal and recording phase for the new compositions of nine songs developed by leading composers, writers, and poets.
RADIO: Rowena Whitehead on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
Following on from Helen Weinstein’s visit to BBC Radio Cambridgeshire on Saturday 10th May to discuss the launch of Cycle of Songs, Rowena Whitehead, Choral Leader for ...
Blog: Cycle of Songs at the Fitzwilliam Museum for Museums at Night
On Friday 16th May 2014 the Cycle of Songs project took part in a wonderful event at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Cycle of Songs was ...
Feedback from Audience, Choir Leaders and Singers
Following the launch of Cycle of Songs on Sunday 11th May at Great St Mary’s Church we asked people who had experienced the event what ...
Blog Post From Heritage at Great St Mary's: Cycle of Songs Launch
There was a riot of sound and colour at Great St Mary’s on Sunday, for the launch of Cycle of Songs. Huge thanks to all ...
Storify: launch of #cycleofsongs in Cambridge for @letourcambridge
A Storify created by Pilot Theatre:
Storify: #CycleofSongs Cambridge for @letourcambridge
A Storify created by Pilot Theatre:
Press Release for 11th May Event at Great St Mary's: Cambridge News, Tues 06 May
Cycle of Songs will bring together local choirs, schools, composers, musicians, writers and residents in a musical celebration of the Tour de France's visit to ...
Cambridge Edition: CYCLE OF SONGS
CYCLE OF SONGSWritten by Jennifer Shelton on 08 May 2014 for the Cambridge Edition. If you're in town this Sunday, make sure to take a detour ...
Blog Post from Heritage at Great St Mary's: Cambridge Sings For Cycle of Songs!
On Sunday 11th May, from 2-4pm, Great St Mary’s is delighted to be hosting the public launch event “Cambridge Sings for Cycle of Songs”. This ...
Launch of the Cambridge Cycle of Songs project
On Sunday 11th May the free public launch event "Sing Cambridge for Cycle of Songs" will showcase and celebrate Cambridge’s singing talent and diversity to launch the ...
Cycle of Songs Postcard
The following images show the design of the Cycle of Songs postcard. These will be distributed across the city and at all of our events from the ...
Blog Post: Calvium
Originally written for the Calvium blog Calvium is extremely excited to be the chosen app developers working once again with Pilot Theatre and starting a new ...
Press release
PRESS RELEASE TEXT RELEASED BY CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL The visit of the Tour de France to Cambridge in July will be marked by an inspiring ...
Cambridge News Article
Cycle of songs commissioned to mark Tour de France's visit to Cambridge Cambridge News, Tuesday 25 February 2014. A cycle of songs celebrating forgotten stories from ...
Blog Post: Cycle of Songs – Local History in Cambridge
Cycle of Songs – Local History in Cambridge by Janine Noack, for the Doing History in Public blog Some of our bloggers (Tiia Sahrakorpi, Emily Ward, Marta Musso, Janine Noack) ...
Blog Post: Launching #cycleofsongs, March 31 2014
by Janine Noack, for the Doing History in Public blog On Monday, March 31, and Pilot Theatre invited #twitterstorians and various other local people from Cambridge who are involved in ...
Storify: Launching #cycleofsongs @historyworksTV event with @pilot_theatre
A Storify created by Pilot Theatre:
Storify: Great Pictures by @janinenoack for #cycleofsongs launch
A Storify created by Pilot Theatre