Stuart Photos Showing the Variety of Tasks & Process of Filming
Photos showcasing the variety of tasks and the process of collaborating between the production team and the academic team
During the journey of the Stuarts-Online project we documented the process of our workshops, scripting together, recording and filming in a variety of venues at the University of Oxford. An important element of the process of photography was to ensure that there were high quality and consistent head shots of all the speakers. We therefore took all the portrait photos with the same background in the Old Library at Jesus College, kindly facilitated by a core member of the academic team who hosted our workshops at Oxford, Professor Paulina Kewews. We are very pleased to see that many of our high quality headshots are now used by the academic team for their institituional webpages, aswell as being the key illustrations for the 'about' pages for the Stuarts-Online webpages. And also we needed to capture each pair of speakers 'in conversation' to illustrate the start of the short films discussing original sources.
Here is a photo taken by Helen Weinstein to capture the recording of the animation voice-over with comedian David Mitchell recording with Jon Calver and Helen Weinstein:
Here is a photo of our brain-storming together with Professor Paulina Kewes and Dr Joseph Hone in the first workshop which was led by Helen Weinstein and Jon Calver:

Here is a photo of Jon Calver recording 'in conversation' in the Old Library, Jesus College:

Here are a couple of photos showing our working with the award-winning documentary maker, Christopher Spencer, brought in by Historyworks to help coach the academic team for the advocacy film:

Here is a photo showing Jon Calver coaching a member of the academic team, Dr John West:

Here is a photo of Ross Casswell upstairs in Jesus College Old Library, filming the original sources:

Here are a couple of team photo of the academics working together in the Old Library at Jesus College, Oxford:

Here is an example of the 'in conversation' photos captured to showcase the speakers for one of the films, on this occasion showing the PI, Professor Andrew Mcrae 'in conversation' with the Co-I, Professor Paulina Kewes, the core academic team members:

Professor Justin Champion with a huge volume 'in conversation' with Professor Paulina Kewes:

Here is the PI, Professor Andrew McRae, studying a seventeenth-century volume and filmed by the Historyworks camera man, Ross Casswell, to capture 'cut-aways' to use in the advocacy film:

Please watch the variety of photographs in the slideshow, and for the academic team and partners, if you wish to use more of the photos to illustrate further blogs and webpages, please take them from URL on the Historyworks flickr album dedicated to the Stuarts Online Production here:
Created with flickr slideshow.