Press for Launch of Animation
The Press & Website Visibility for Launch of Animation
Historyworks collaborated closely with the partner organizations to facilitate a press launch of the animation film on Friday 4th/Saturday 5th November to mark the commemoration of the Gunpowder plot which is featured in the film and to use this apt anniversary as a hook for press and website and blogs and social media. Historyworks helped support the University of Exeter, the University of Oxford, and in particular the Historical Association to write blogs and features about the project, and to coordinate tweets and retweets with the Ashmolean and Bodliean etc.
Here is AHRC press posted to thousands on RCUK listing:
Here is the Historical Association NEWS posted on website to mark 5th November:
Here is RHUL press posted on 4th November:
Here is blog on the Stuarts -Online project page:
Here is feature written by Professor Andrew McRae published in the THES: