A Day In May with Good Vibrations
We have some places available for a fabulous one-off singing opportunity on Saturday 13 May!!
If you fancy …
- learning some luscious songs over 5 sessions as part of Good Vibrations community choir - from 20 March - for a 15-min daytime performance at A Day in May … Cambridge’s first mini-festival for local a cappella groups
- taking part in workshops on the day, led by 3 experienced leaders on the day - singing in the company of up to 100 others, including 3 local a cappella community choirs. Everything will be taught by ear so no need to read music!
What else do you need to know?
We will have 5 rehearsal sessions on MONDAY evenings 7.45-9.45 pm
Venue: St Martin’s Church, Suez Road CB1 3QD
Dates: March 20, 27, April 3, 24 and May 8
PLUS Saturday 13 May (9.30-5.00) for A Day in May at St Phillips Church, Mill Road CB1 3AN
- The practice sessions will focus on songs for the mini-performance slot, building confidence and performing as a group - in a relaxed, fun and friendly atmosphere. NO auditions, everything taught by ear. Practice sound-files will also be available.
- Cost: £60 - including ticket entry for A Day in May
Reduced rates available on request if the cost would otherwise prevent you from taking part.
Limited tickets (£15) for A Day in May - for those who want to come to the mini-festival on Saturday 13 May, without performing - will be available after 20 March (£15)
To book your place, or to find out more - contact Sue Parlby
Email: sueparlby1@gmail.com Mobile (Text): 07973 860087
Website: good-vibes.org.uk
We look forward to hearing from you and singing with you!