*********Sunday 11 JUNE      NO STRINGS ATTACHED,  ( Rowena Whitehead, Tom Ling, Wendy Hardemann and Ian Turner ) will be playing music and singing at the HISTON AND IMPINGTON OPEN GARDENS.  

 Info here:  we did it a couple of years ago and it was great fun. 

There will be 17 gardens open, some of them serving tea, and we will playing from 2.30-3.15 and 3.30-4.15 in a garden in Cottenham Rd ( I haven't got the number yet; it will be in the programme! ) It's a lovely event  and a great afternoon out. The system is you buy a programme ( £5 each)  and you can get them from gardens on the day and then can go to as many gardens as you like - and they are lovely. All the income goes to support local charities 



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