Reports on Projects - Directed by Helen Weinstein
These web pages bring together reports on projects that Helen Weinstein has directed or supported. Helen is often asked for copies of these reports by colleagues working in the fields of public history in academia, in policy and funding bodies, across the media, museums, galleries, archives, libraries – it therefore seemed a good idea to have a place where all the materials are located!
These include reports from events and research projects that Helen Weinstein has directed, project managed or been involved with in her capacity as Director of Historyworks, Founding Director of IPUP, and also Helen’s roles on AHRC Steering and Advisory Committees. Please note that most of these are offered as PDFs, but all others link to webpages, blogs, #storify.
Geocaching - Walking and Cycling Grant
Helen write blurb Click Image below to read and download the report
'My Cambridge' Presentation
Helen Weinstein, Creative Director Historyworks was delighted to be invited to give a keynote presentation and for the Historyworks team to network at the inaugural ...
Making Music & Marvellous Machines
This is a project designed by Historyworks to complement and extend the work started in the Abbey area, because it is funded by the Arts ...
Cultural Value Project: AHRC Report
Helen Weinstein was on the Project Advisory Committee of the AHRC Cultural Value Project, a two year project which involved participating in a series of ...
The Warwick Commission on the future of cultural value 2014
The work of the AHRC Cultural Value Project is enormously important and dovetails interestingly with the Warwick Commission on the 'Future of Cultural Value'. Download ...
English Heritage Report
UNDERSTANDING CLIFFORD'S TOWER Report by Historyworks from the learning events "UNDERSTANDING CLIFFORD'S TOWER AND THE 1190 MASSACRE IN CONTEXTS" Here is a copy of the Report produced by Historyworks in 2015 published with colleagues John Oxley, City of York Archaeologist and Jeremy Ashbee, Head Curator, English Heritage, which is titled "Understanding Clifford's Tower and the 1190 Massacre in Contexts' which is free to download as a pdf here! Also, scroll below to find the summaries by Historyworks explaining the chronology of York Castle and Clifford's Tower. The Report for English Heritage is a summary of the speakers and learning from our York Castle gathering in 2015. We were very pleased to have a full house of 150 attending at both of the learning events about Clifford’s Tower and the wider contexts of York Castle area - organized for the afternoons of Sunday 25th January and Tuesday 27th January 2015. The talks were very informal but informative, and tea breaks gave opportunities to share information about York’s past & present. We are also very grateful for those participants, over 170 who completed our online survey which helps gain a deeper insight into public attitudes towards York heritage issues and the presentation and understanding of Clifford's Tower and the longer story of a Jewish presence in york from the 1100s to now. There are photos of the tours of Clifford's Tower & York Castle area here: To view thumbnails provided by Historyworks to help with understanding the long history of Clifford's Tower, do scroll to the sections below:
Future of Heritage
Helen Weinstein participated in the AHRC funded project from the 'Connected Communities' funding to explore the meaning of Heritage, and 'ownership' of heritage in a ...
S106 Funded Public Art Projects
Cycle of Songs: Arts Council Project to Mark the Tour de France
Historyworks teamed up with a variety of partners to win the commission for marking the Tour de France with an Arts Project in Cambridge. The ...
BBC World War One Debate
BBC Landmark History Debate: Was Britain Right to Go to War in 1914? Helen Weinstein Chaired this Online debate on BBC on Friday 28th February - which ...
BBC past debate
Archaeology & the Public Realm Report
Photos of the Conference with Michael Wood, mostly taken by Helen Weinstein: Created with flickr slideshow. Archaeology and the Material Past in the Public ...
Eurotast Launch: Transatlantic Slave Trade EU Research Project
Eurotast Launch Presentations: Introducing the Challenges for the Interdisciplinary Research and Training Network Exploring the Transatlantic Slave Trade. To find the dedicated Eurotast website you ...
PHoSTEM: Public History of Science, Technology, Engineering & Medicine
PHoSTEM (Museums and the Public History of Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine: Prospects and Issues) is a joint enterprise which was divised in collaboration for ...
I Hear 2: Reports on Heritage Sound AHRC Project
I Hear Too Sound and the Heritage Experience - Report on the first I Hear Too workshop, Monday 20th April, 2009 Sound as a Heritage Object - ...
Beyond Text: AHRC Reports
AHRC PROGRAMME, AIMS & OBJECTIVES, REPORTS Helen Weintein has had a range of advisory and commissioning roles for AHRC Committees, and for the £5.5 million ...
TV History: Simon Schama & A History of Britain Ten Years On
Televisualizing the Past Conference Photos: Created with flickr slideshow. Conference Programme for Televisualizing the Past: Simon Schama and 'A History of Britain', Ten Years On ...
Media Multiplatforming & A History of the World in 100 Objects
Photos from Packaging the Past for the Media Conference Created with flickr slideshow. Packaging the Past for the Media: Communicating across museums, television, radio and ...
Media Speaker Films - Dan Snow & Simon Schama & Martin Davidson on Why History Matters
Beyond TV's Civilisation: Art History & the Public Realm
After Civilisation: The Past, Present and Future of Arts TV York Hospitium, 27 May 2009, 0930-1800 Programme [pdf document]Preliminary report [pdf document] After Civilisation is a symposium ...
Public Art Installations: Public Engagement Reports
Diversifying Heritage Reports
This section covers Helen Weinstein's co-covening of the BRITISH MUSEUM CONFERENCE ON EQUALITIES, and THE DIVERSITY IN HERITAGE GROUP, and the London Mayor's Commission on ...
Heritage & Audience Engagement: York Public History Reports
In this section, paper on qualitative methodologies for audience research, followed by 4 reports led by Helen Weinstein designed to interview the public 'at rest' ...
Supporting Practice in Participation
Supporting Practice in Participation Supporting Practice in Participation Arts Council England is funding a joint enterprise called "Supporting Practice in Participation" that aims to support ...