

Professor Paulina Kewes, University of Oxford's Faculty of English Language & Literature; Tutorial Fellow at Jesus College

Professor Paulina Kewes, renowned scholar of Holinshed and Shakespeare, was the Co-Investigator managing the research and the delivery of the films and accompanying website for the Stuarts-Online project.  Here is her testimonial reviewing the project made in partnership with Historyworks as the media production company which delivered all the digital content for Stuarts-Online:

"Historyworks has been exemplary in assisting the Stuarts On Line project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, to develop a public facing digital presence designed to boost public knowledge and appreciation of Britain’s Stuart past. Stemming from the academic project on the Stuart Successions, Stuarts on Line sought to engage a variety of publics and demographics, from school children and university students (both UG and G) and the wider interested population.

Historyworks helped train members of the project team, including full-time academic project leaders, graduate students and a postdoctoral researcher, and worked intensively with  us to identify the best mode of realising the project’s aims and ensuring effective web presence. The outcome, a dedicated website, comprises over 20 short films showcasing original source materials produced on location in Oxford, and in collaboration with the Bodleian, the Ashmolean, the Historical Association, and Jesus College, which provide brilliant introductions to a range of themes, viz. the political engagement of Stuart drama by Shakespeare, constitutionalism, religious dimension of dynastic upheavals, iconography of royal entries and medals, and many, many others.

The outcomes including the coaching and support for stills photography and scripting were excellent. We were impressed by the delivery and production values in the co-produced films: the animation, the films showcasing source materials, the website to showcase the films and resources, the advocacy film, the biography films for the academic team to use as show reels. I strongly recommend Historyworks to anyone wishing to produce an effective digital resource designed to popularize the knowledge of history or literature!"

Dr Giovanna Vitelli, University of Oxford's Director of Engagement, Ashmolean Museum

Professor Andrew McRae, PI of Stuarts-Online, Head of English Department, University of Exeter



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