Hobson's Choice: Life in a Cambridge Pub
Saturday 28th February
1.00pm -5.00pm
Museum of Cambridge,
2/3 Castle Street, Cambridge CB3 0AQ,
Free with Admission
Reenactment at the Inn
In conversation with Professor Helen Weinstein - meet Thomas Hobson the colourful Cambridge Inn-keeper - and experience Elizabethan life with Matthew and Gill of HistoryNeedsYou.com making history engaging and fun.
Come along to be introduced to the Hobsons so you can chat in a pub Tudor-style! For it is 1588, the year of the Spanish Armada, a time of war and religious division. People go to the Inn to hear news from afar whilst playing games and listening to music. Thomas Hobson runs a successful postal service from his Inn so it is the first place in Cambridge to receive the latest news from the courier. Join in to sing and play dice, tables or cards and you may hear the good news about Queen Elizabeth. There may even be some Hobsons Brewery tasters of Town Crier & Postman’s Knock – watch this space!