King's Chapel Evensong at 3.30pm on Sunday 16th November features Michael Berkeley's CycleofSongs Composition
Sunday 16th November – 3.30pm King’s Chapel Evensong – Performance of Michael Berkeley’s Cycle of Songs track “Build This House” - free entry
All Cycle of Songs participants, partners & families are warmly invited to Evensong by Stephen Cleobury, King’s College’s Music Director to hear a live performance of CYCLE OF SONGS track “Build This House” newly adapted from childrens’ choir for full choir scored for SATB by Michael Berkeley for King’s College Choir, called “Sing A Song of Praise” which will be the introit performed at this special Evensong to mark the publication of ‘King’s College Chapel, 1515-2015. Art, Music and Religion in Cambridge”. The Cycle of Songs Primary Choir children & their families who performed “Build This House” are particularly welcome! The service is free & if you want to sit close to the Choir, - seats are allocated on a first-come first-served basis and to be closeby the choir as they perform it is recommend you sit on benches beyond the choir stalls in the Chapel at 3.15pm, i.e. 15 minutes before the service commences.