Blog: ReSound's Sound Lifts the Spirits
On the Tuesday 15th July, a tranquil singing event took place within the tiny Church of St Peter’s on Pound Hill in Cambridge. Originally built in the 11th century, with the Saxon past of the church showing in the lovely carved doorways, it is to be found tucked away adjacent to Kettles Yard. For this, their last concert of the year by the ReSound Choir, led by Rowena Whitehead, this unique space was decorated with wild flowers and the window sills were festooned with small candles beautifully illuminating the glass, creating a magical atmosphere for the singers and a select audience of family and friends.
The choir members were spaced elegantly around the walls to perform, allowing the sound to bounce to one another across this small chancel. Only a few special guests were invited, including Helen Weinstein, Creative Director and Producer for the Cycle of Songs, who was very honoured to be publicly thanked and for the singers to celebrate their participation in the Cycle of Songs project, for which they sung “Why We Ride”. The evening was an opportunity to share friendship and music, for Helen to give out the app maps to those who had not yet received them and show them how the app sounded whilst everyone shared their brought refreshments in the dusk of the wild flower meadow that is the graveyard. A wonderful way to wrap up the experience of singing and feeling a shared humanity!