Blog: App Maps Distributed on Local History Walk – 9th July 2014
Numerous choir members and community history enthusiasts joined the walk led by Allan Brigham on Wednesday 9th July. Allan is a local historian and Blue Badge Guide who has given valuable guidance to Helen Weinstein for the local history research for the Cycle of Songs.
It was therefore fitting that the walk began on Parker’s Piece, the starting point for the first song on the Cycle of Songs app, called “Reality Checkpoint”. The walk was a reminder of the way that Parker’s Piece was central to the history of cricket and also the founding of the FA Rules. In addition, the focus on Mill Road led to an important discussion about how Cambridge changed with the coming of the railway, so that where there was once a Mill (closeby where the Sally Army shop now sits) surrounded by the fields and lanes of a rural edge to Cambridge, these were destined for row houses post 1845 for workers on the railways and the colleges as both developed in tandem.
The explorations around the Mill Road Cemetry and Ditchburne Place were extremely illuminating, the juxtaposition between the Workhouse and the Dead, both originally placed outside the city. We all learnt lots from Allan Brigham, and the tour ended by The Bath House, with everyone taking home Cycle of Songs leaflets to share and distribute with friends and family.
If you want to get in touch with Allan Brigham to be on the mailing list for ‘Town NOT Gown’ then email