Scratch Choir Rehearsal for WW1 Commemoration
Sunday 7th December – 5.30pm to 7pm at St Matthew’s Primary School, Norfolk Street, CB1 2LD.
Karen Reid at Cambridge City Council has contacted Cycle of Songs to invite singers to participate in a special event to Commemorate the Centenary of the Christmas Day Truce of the First World War. The chosen Cambridge United game is December 13th and several choirs are already signed up to join forces to sing before and during the game, which will include singers, a band, a bugler, and players wearing WW1 style kit for re-enacting the WW1 Christmas Day truce at half-time.
The Rehearsal will be at St Matthew’s School from 5.30pm to 7.00pm on Sunday 7th December. Show up on the day but do email Karen Reid to register all your names at for receiving FREE allocated singers’ tickets & entry information for the game on the afternoon of Saturday 13th December. All are Welcome – Individual Singers bring your family and friends!