PHoSTEM: The Public History of Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (funded by Arts & Humanities Research Council)
Historyworks has created a STORIFY of recent PHoSTEM events, and assisted with writing up the PHoSTEM reports. See below.
This project aims to understand how to increase and improve public engagement with the history of science. Helen Weinstein is involved in the project via the Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past (IPUP) at the University of York. IPUP has embarked on a joint enterprise with the Science Museum London, and the Centre for the History & Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds and won funding from the AHRC for a Research Network.
During 2012 and 2013 workshops have been organised at each of the three institutions that allow practitioners, academics, and the public to come together and think through how curatorial best practice can promote greater public inclusivity with the historical narrative of science and technology. There will also be a summative public event later in 2013. We'll keep you posted!
"Is Science a Special Case in Museology"
The Science Museum has organized the third PHoSTEM event on the theme of "Is Science a Special Case in Museology". This AHRC workshop was held on Saturday 13th April, 10am to 5.30pm, at the Dana Centre, The Science Museum, Queen’s Gate, London, SW7 5HD. Please find the STORIFY of the twitter archive here: or scroll down to the twitter conversation below.
Download PHoSTEM report by Helen Weinstein & Sam Johnson for London event here (pdf)
"Cultural Change, Material Culture and Public History - Understanding, Involvement, Participation, and Widening Public Engagement"
The first PHoSTEM event in the series on the theme of "Cultural Change, Material Culture and Public History - Understanding, Involvement, Participation, and Widening Public Engagement", was organized by Helen Weinstein and held on Friday 7th December, 2012, hosted at the National Railway Museum, York.
Download programme here (pdf)
Download PHoSTEM report by Helen Weinstein & Sam Johnson here for York Event (pdf)
"Understanding, Involvement, Participation, and Widening Public Engagement"
The Centre for the History & Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds has organized the second PHoSTEM event on the theme of "Understanding, Involvement, Participation, and Widening Public Engagement". This AHRC workshop was held on Friday 18th January, 10am to 5.30pm, at the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT.
Download programme here
Download PHoSTEM report by Helen Weinstein & Sam Johnson for Leeds event here (PDF)